A World with Necessary Evil

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Imagine a world without a government. What would we be able to achieve? People would have no sense of direction, and wouldn’t care to follow any laws. If there is no control in a society, the only thing it will lead to is an anarchy. Since there is no one enforcing laws there would be more violence, people stealing, killing, raping, and much more. The people who are the committing crimes would not face any form of punishment. We would have more people trying to control a country or city but therefore people would live in fear. Nothing would be safe because there isn’t anyone ensuring safety. If people are in fear they feel helpless without the protection of a government. The government does much more than we expect, they provide us with education, public health, transportation networks, energy supply etc. Others might feel as though they don’t make a positive change in our society. But of course, a government just like its people, aren’t perfect. Mistakes will eventually be made just as James Madison states “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.”

In a society full of political power there is corruption. That’s a consequence of how people settle for so little. For example, judges will get paid to accuse and make the final decision for an innocent person’s trial. We are witnesses of all these biased decisions being made. Furthermore, governments show their supremacy by shutting down all mass media who are against their political idea. In the United States, there have been occasions where we were objects of corrupted governments. One of them is the well-known “Watergate,” and a scandal that brought down Richard Nixon’s government. Recently, we were a part of an IRS scandal in 2013 under Obama’s presidency which led to the resignation of Steven T. Miller; commissioner of the internal revenue service. These are some of the reasons why people have lost faith in governments. But we cannot live without a government, we need leaders who are going to put us in our place when things get out of hand. We are people who need a necessary evil government to maintain a monarchy society. corruption pic
In my opinion, I would not like to live in a society where I would feel unsafe just walking outside my house, and someone trying to hurt or kill me. With a government anything is possible and without it we wouldn’t be able to achieve greatness.

Gabby Vega

Government Evil giving us a reason to Fight By Lillie McKinney


Like the old saying goes “Life is what you make it” every day is a hustle you must get through, which can be a little harder to do with the government watching over you  The government is very much so evil but it is necessary. It is an outrageous thought that we could be a part of a nation that has no Government. I do not agree with all the laws that have been placed upon us but some are definitely needed and others should be improved. If laws were not set by political parties people would be under the assumption that they are free to do whatever they please and that is an issues, not all of us as human beings have common sense or knowledge to perform better in society. Some people believe if the government did not put us in certain predicaments we would be unaware of political issues. Laws being set can work for us as a nation in other ways also. If there are laws we do not agree with, people can take a stand by protesting or speaking out against the issue.


If it were up to me there would be no such thing as racism but unfortunately there is! African Americans and likeminded persons were tired of dealing with the anguish of the Jim Crow laws forcing them to take action. How unfair was it knowing you were not allowed to drink from the same water fountain, share the same bathroom or sit in the same section as a white person just because of your skin color?!?  If blacks and others did not take a stand against segregation causing it to end in 1965, we could still be suffering from these actions today. Don’t get me wrong racism is still very potent today, prejudice people still exist but it’s more of a secret society thing. They cannot openly put on their pointy white hat with three holes cut out and go Nigger hunting anymore, instead they put on their policeman uniform and beat you with a night stick or shoot you dead and call it “self-defense”. No this is not all civil servants but you get my drift.


Please help me to understand something, on the news I watched an Uber driver get six years in prison for raping 10 women while on duty, how is this possible? A 16 year old girl runs off with a man whom is 28 years of age, who eventually tries to kill her by stabbing her 19 times only faces 35 years in jail but someone who gets caught trafficking drugs gets life? Huh? I mean I know cocaine is a hell of a drug but it is so not that serious! I would rather you give a pedophile a life sentence verses a male or female moving weight, of course it’s not the right thing to do but maybe they’re just trying survive or provide for their family.


justiceAmerica’s greatest victory

When we ask if the founding fathers would be proud or not of where America finds itself today. I will say out loud that Yes! Our founding fathers have fought for independence for America four hundred years ago. They risked their lives so we can have freedom and equal rights, a beautiful country to live with peace and diversity.volunteers

It’s been a while since we are officially free, almost three hundred years. Our founding fathers created a government for common good, prosperity, protection and so on. Today, we are one of the most powerful country in the world. Based on our constitution, we gave everyone an opportunity to realize their dreams, to have equal rights whether you are white, black, man or woman, straight or gay, which is the reason why we have the most immigrants than anywhere else in the world.

America is one of the most beautiful country in the whole world. Despite pollution, and industrialization we are still listed # 2 on buzz feed, and according to them, we have the most stunning mountains, half of the most beautiful canyons in the world are here, including Zion, Antelope, Bryce, Paria, Waimea and of course the Grandest of them all. The Painted Desert is one of the most beautiful in the world, and Tracy’s Arm is amongst the most beautiful fjord’s in the world. The Everglades are amongst the most beautiful wetlands, Yellowstone is by far the world’s greatest geothermal site and it’s not too bad for wildlife either. The States has two of the world’s top ten waterfalls in the form of Niagara and Yosemite, one wide, one tall, and both stunning. America’s beauty can take your breath away. We have an awesome country that every single American citizen would be proud of, and I personally think that our founding fathers would be also.

The U.S. is more inclusive than ever, Gay marriage is finally legal! The US court made it possible. What a victory for some of us! It’s a huge step for America and the LGBT community that have fought so hard and so long. Homosexual marriage has been legal in almost every state in America. I don’t think that the founding fathers have thought that LGBT would be an issue in America back in the days, but the only thing that made it possible was that they believed that everyone should be equal, and have the same rights. In agreement with Milt Ford, a professor of Liberal Studies. He thinks that the exclusivity of homosexuality in the US had some major economics changes, an extremely significant factor in the development of coastal gay and lesbian enclaves was the ban on gays in the military. After W.W.11, thousands of gay and lesbian people were dishonorably discharged from the armed services, and many were simply dumped in port cities. At times, several hundred ex-service people were deposited in San Francisco per day. They could not go home in disgrace, so they stayed. Everything has changed, not too long ago. What our founding fathers have fought for it’s finally here. Equality for everyone, Heterosexual and homosexual have equal rights and freedom. They both can have the same job, marry who they want to, adopt kid, have a happy life without any discrimination.

There are so many great things that occurred here in America that could possibly make our fathers proud, for instance: the US defense, freedom of religion, etc. If only they would be able to see that they did not fight in vain, that they shed their blood for a great cause, a great nation!

Government is a necessary evil by Carlens Denaud


Rules need to be followed, the population should feel safe and protected, there should be hospitals and health care available for everyone, property rights, a stable money supply, that’s what the government is here for; to assure that the population has access to all that. In the U.S., before the Civil War, the government wasn’t the one providing paper money, it was mostly private banks. This was an unreliable and uncommonly disorganized system. Sometimes merchants would not even accept or acknowledge certain currencies. It also meant there was no real control over the money supply which had a crucial impact on inflation and economic growth. Widespread commerce and a stable economy both require a stable and dependable money system; one in which consumers and merchants have confidence. This can only be provided and maintained by the federal government. On top of that the government protects individuals against physical harm from others, protects individuals against property harm from others, and protects individuals against fraud from others. Even though some people might see the government as unnecessary and even as evil some people might think the contrary; that it is actually important to have a government, that it’s necessary whether it’s evil or not. In my opinion, a country without a government equals total anarchy. We are human beings, meaning that we are not perfect. We tend to take advantage of every situations whenever the opportunity comes, and that’s what I think would happen if we were to live in a country with no government or leader. We, as people, have different values. We see things differently and certainly act differently. Just because I won’t do something doesn’t mean that someone else wouldn’t. I might choose to behave a certain way, that doesn’t mean that someone else would act accordingly. See it that way, now we have a government, and there are people that bend the rules or think that they are above the law and even outlaws. They do all that, even though THERE IS a government. Now, imagine what they will do if there was NO government. No one to set the rules, no leaders, no army, etc.… It would be a total mess. Mafia would probably take over. Wouldn’t people take matters out of their hands? What about foreign invasion? How do we defend ourselves against those threats? And so on. A country wouldn’t be a country without a government, as to say earth wouldn’t be earth without God.


Necessarily Annoying

government“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help“(Ronald Reagan)

The government being seen as evil and corrupted is nothing new. However, what’s new is the level of disappointment one may feel when they realize that the statement Paine made in 1776 in his published pamphlet “Common Sense” and the statement that Reagan made in his 1989 speech is still relevant today in 2015.

The government gets blamed for everything wrong and immoral that happens. War, police brutality, poverty, high gas prices, high costs of living with outrageously low and slow rising incomes; you name it and I can guarantee you that the government has definitely been blamed. Which they should, seeing that all of these things occur under the governments rule. But let’s be real, the corruption and evilness of the government goes much deeper than the issue of rising gas prices. However, when you search for legitimate proof of the governments deemed devil work, it just comes up as hearsay and conspiracy. Why is that? Why is it that when one tries to dig deep into the real issues of his or her country and how big of a role the government plays in their societal changes, they simply find opinion posts like this one and a few credible news sources; nothing that will hit the nail directly on the head. If anything, that’s really the true evil act – the government depriving its people and heavily limiting the access to needed and important knowledge. However, this may all be for a reason.

The key word in this topic, “The government is a necessary evil”, is necessary. The government is indeed corrupt and evil, but to a very broad yet certain extent. As an individualistic society, filled with differences and integration, the government has been placed upon us since the beginning of time to create and keep order. It has been embedded in us to “follow” the government and to obey the laws of the land. The issue with the government’s corruption lies within the fact that the government is just as unruly and corrupt as the society it leads. Everyone does not follow the law, everyone does not follow an ethical and moral system and, more importantly, everyone does not act for the greater good of all. What places the government above everyone and everything else is the power it possesses; its hierarchy. The government does not seek out the most immoral citizen to add to their team. Nonetheless, what has turned these people who are directly involved in the government and the development of its ever-changing system is the money and the power. The government is a necessity, its corruption is not.


The faces of Today’s World

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The Founding Fathers of the United States of America are known as the Thirteen British colonies in North America, who led the American Revolution between 1765 and 1783 against the British Crown, which was a sovereign state in Western Europe. The Founding Fathers established what we call today “The United States of America.” The Founding Fathers includes George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton.
The Founding Fathers would have been proud of where America finds itself today. We the people of the United States has come to form a “non-perfect” Union by establishing justice, incurring domestic tranquility, providing common defense, and promoting general welfare. America may be racist towards the decedents of its former slaves or those who are non-white as America’s justice and equal right seem to elude it minority’s population. However, it is true that the US is Home of the Free, where opportunities are abundant. If you work hard you can make it and would be able to provide for your family. The Founding Fathers have open up many doors for people like myself. In this world we can become Doctors, Scientists, or even become the President of the United States. There are many opportunities the Founding Fathers had extended for us; their vision for this world was to become ultimately great.
The Founding Fathers would be pleased with where America is now. They started with Washington D.C., then the 13 original states, and now America consists of 50 States and many territories. America declared independence from the Great British in 1776. America is known as the “World Super Power”, which means every country look-up and follows America. The Founding Father would be please to know America is second to none. Also, the Founding Father would have been proud the education graduation rates are higher.

The Founding Father believed in smaller government. They felt smaller government was a better idealism. They though that it wasn’t necessary for someone life to be in the hands of a large government. The Founding Fathers fought for independence from England because they did not want big government telling them what to do in there daily activities and life.

While there are many racist policies in place to keep many minority groups at a set level in life, America has never experience political crisis. There after an election, the incoming President was not denied office nor has it ever had military take over the government.

Our Founding Problem.



According to a poll taken in the year 2013 by Gallup,it reports that “71 percent of Americans say, the founding fathers would be disappointed.” Disappointed on what you ask? Disappointed with America itself. For one, and to comment on that, count me in on that 71 percent recorded. I strongly feel and agree that the founding fathers would not not be proud of where america finds itself today, because of multiple reasons, but of the top reason they wouldn’t even give us their time of day is due to the debt we are in, and its only has worsened over the few years. Right now the United states itself is ranked number one for most DEBT nation wide. About an estimated eighteen trillion dollars in debt. For those numbers I don’t even think your grandchildren’s children are going to live to see that kind of debt get paid off. As of somewhat relating to that, lets stop and think about the wars that happen and are bound to happen today. In the declaration, it basically says we can beef (have war) and make peace with who/whomever, but if we were to have beef, “for say” ,had to go into war, the declaration does not really state where we are to get that money for the war. Back when we had the revolutionary war, without the power of tax, congress could request money for colonial governments, which had debts of their own to pay.
To go furthermore I believe the founding fathers would be enrage towards our government, because of how weak it has gotten. We the people have given up our power and put our trust in the people that we elect to represent us. I believe as we do or in present, when doing so, we are handing the power over to a corrupt, yes. . corrupt government who chooses to re-elect people of special interest that keeps our politicians re-elected. For this reason being, there is a lot of power centralized in the federal government, which no longer represents THE PEOPLE but represents ONLY the people with power, for instance, the politicians we have.
Another thing I would like to point out is the wars on Drugs and Terrorism, it gives the government whatever funds they may need or desire, kind of like giving someone a blank check so they write the amount. Yep ! welcome to society without the “GOOD American Dream”, where a dollar gives you less than its value, and more than couple million people are out of work.

“Poll: 71 Percent of Americans Say Founding Fathers Would Be Disappointed.” NBC,U.S. News. Tracey Jarrett, 4 July 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2015.


Like them or not, we still need them.

Where would we be in a world without government? There would be no political structure, no currency, no police, no army, etc. I believe we would live in fear. This would cause anarchy. Crime rates would increase on a drastic level. It will be chaotic. Yes, our ancestors once lived in a time with no government which were way back when tribes existed or maybe how the pilgrims lived in little communities. Which they protected each other and had some sort of leader.

Without voted government, I believe ones will form naturally in its place. It would revert back to a time similar to monarchies where families would rule certain areas. Or oligarchy will occur where big businesses in power will shift its focus to being government instead of what they use to be. They would make up their own laws whether they are fair or not. That would not be the kind of world I would want to live in. To further explain, some will say the one with more power or threat will over rule the weak regarding on what the majority would want. Giving one too much power usually leads to abuse of it. Government is to ensure order in society and to protect its people as well as their rights. They form many laws and keep business from crashing economies, scamming consumers, or endangering our lives. They prevent human slavery and keep equality! Even though some would not agree, I believe it could be worse without government. There will never be a time where everyone will agree or love the government it’s just not realistic, but they are a necessary evil. Without the government infrastructure may not be maintained or deteriorate.

We would have no railroads, airports, little police enforcement, no firefighters or emergency workers, no public water system, trash pickup, etc. History is meant to teach and to avoid repeating it. Without government I believe we would have a greater chance to be invaded by other countries and their government system because we would not have a stable military by our side. Similar to Israel trying to take over Palestine in the sense of wanting power and control. They would want to show dominance to other countries.

With todays advanced technology, we need a source of organization and fund. I believe government is needed for modern life. They are also needed for security, protect people’s rights and economic systems for the citizens. Without government, there would be a corrupt society but with too much government you will have no freedom. Making the government a necessary evil.


-Kiaraliz Feliciano







Government is a necessary Evil.



        Government is a necessary Evil.

“Government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an intolerable one”, Thomas Paine. This is a very powerful sentence that means so much. It is very interesting how this sentence that was written in 1700’s is still relevant and still applies to today’s Government and society. Government is very evil and at the same time it is very necessary. We need it but it can hurt us in so many aspects. Government is a form of insurance for a society, without it there would be chaos and anarchy. On the other hand, when there’s too much, there’s no freedom. We can’t govern ourselves, there would be always rebellions. There wouldn’t be any infrastructures, no rules. Some individuals would act very negative, like commit crazy crimes for example killing for no reasons, stealing, vandalism, raping etc.…, and some would behave positively. Therefore we wouldn’t have a peaceful society. We humans accept it or not, we like to feel the power of a superior. Someone above of us leading, Setting up rules, and providing. They provide us services for instance, healthcare, Police forces, a defense Military, Fire departments, they create laws and many more those are the basics. They are our source of organization and funding. Government is needed. At the same time, it has many evil sides, which can hurt the society and its citizens. First of all, they are investing too much on the things which is not really important, for instance building more jails than investing in education. The government has a lot of corruptions. They made some arbitrary rules which are only beneficial for themselves, Lack of equality and proper assistances in the society. They make you believe that you have the ability to be free and powerful, while they are controlling every single steps that you are making. They don’t want us to be informed, they rather us being distracted. They create so many distractions so they can make us forget about what’s really going on around us in the society and around the world. They programmed everything, the school, Healthcare, work, government assistance systems for their own beneficial goods. Generally they have control of us, we are not truly free the way they are promoting it. In conclusion, I strongly agree with Thomas Paine, “Government is a necessary evil”. It has is up and down that can be beneficial or hurtful for some citizens in the society.


The government is EVIL but it is sadly a necessary EVIL



Happy Independence Day!!

On every 4th of July we bring our families together. We eat, drink, listen to music, and pop fireworks, but why? Do we even have the independence that we actually deserve? We have a group of leaders that we call our “Government” we as people trust and believe that the government is EVIL but yet we label them a necessary evil. The bible states that where ever there is a good there will be an evil .The Government is really made in favor of the rich, the poor has little to no help when it comes down to reality. Majority of the laws, rules, and regulations are meant to take us down .Wars; when we hear of wars or rumors of wars we think that they start in order to protect us from an evil country that was trying to harm us, in reality we are not being protected at all, we are being put in the mist of a money warfare .money; money is the root to all evil right? When it comes down to the government money is their motive! Ironically we are in a $16 trillion dollar debt with a $13 billion dollar spending deficit. The senator in an average network makes 13million, but yet we are still in debt? Priorities? We have officers who works for the government and are abusing our citizens, killing our citizens, but yet these are our street protector’s right? Health care reforms are supposed to be in favor of the poor. When an average person works at $7.80 an hour with a family of 4 and applies for Obama care they get denied. Why you may asked? Only because our oh so great politicians think that the minimal income for A family of 4 should be about 16-19,000 a year. Seriously? It is mandatory that everyone has medical insurance or they will be charged a fine but how can they really afford Obama



care when the little that they make isn’t enough? Once there is a tragedy in a state or country the U.N invades and take over the streets of that city with their huge military trucks, automatic guns and military personals to Rome around the city for days if not months. While they stay there they are busting in people’s homes and taking away all their guns. Wait, wasn’t this originally done because of a terrorist attack, and you guys are here to “protect the citizens?” now it’s a gun control issue? And all guns around the U.S has to be detained? Really? GMO; you will not catch the president in any fast food or at any restaurant an average person can afford to eat from. Gmo is genetically modified food, the same pesticides and hormones that is shown to cause cancers in humans are legal in the U.S. The rate of cancers in women and babies are ridiculously high. The same food that is killing us, is legal? It’s all around us, so it like a eat what you get or starve type of situation. That right there, is pure evil.


We have no privacy any more, all computers, phones, and electronics are being hacked into, all streets have cameras and all our personal information is being known. There is nothing secretive in the U.S any more we can’t have a peace of mind. All in all we have come to the conclusion that the government is EVIL, but are we going to try to fix it? No! why? Because we are too lazy to open our eyes and realize that we are just lab rats in a maze that the rich “government is playing monopoly with. WE do not want to get us and discipline our self along with the future generation, the citizens do not want to work hard for what they deserve and fight for their freedom, privacy, and peace of mind. Instead we all want to be babied, we rather be catered to by the government and have our hands out for the little bit that they drop in our hands. We are too comfortable in the state of mind that we are currently in, we rather deal with what we get them to make a difference in the world. We rather buy everything from china then make our own things to get out of debt and most importantly we rather continue killing each other and calling the police for help instead of making peace with each other and keeping the police out our way. I guess the government is a necessary evil ONLY because we allow them to be. History repeats its self, we just have to learn it to prevent it.